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A Meditation 'Recipe'
to Clear & Renew Your Energy!

Here are the steps (like a cookie recipe) for two great energy tools to clear and refresh the energy in your personal space. They may seem simple, but try this exercise and see how it feels.

Each time you use these tools they strengthen and become more your own. Included are suggestions for ways to use these skills.
If you like the energy tools and want to know more, see my website for more information about classes, consultations, my blog and how to contact me if you’d like to chat.

Grounding and Gold Suns


– Grounding –

  • Let your awareness be behind your eyes, in the center of your head
  • From the center of your head, create an energy connection, a ‘grounding cord’, connecting the base of your spine (1st chakra) to the center of the earth
    • If you like, imagine your grounding cord as a big tree trunk with a flat top, rooted in the center of the earth and sit on the top
    • Let your grounding cord be at least as wide as your body,  just for you
  • Grounding cord energy works throughout your body, release any excess energy that’s in or around your body and let it go down the grounding cord like a laundry chute
  • Once you create a grounding cord, the steadying and releasing effects continue for a while

– Fill in with fresh life-energy: Gold Suns –

  • After you release old energy with your grounding cord, fill in with fresh energy
  • Create a big gold sun above your head, at least twice a big as your body
    • Let it fill with new liquid-like gold life-force energy
    • Open the bottom of the sun, let this gold life-energy flood your body (starting at your crown) and expanding into your aura
    • It will fill each chakra (energy center) and the physical and energy systems of each chakra as the gold liquid energy cascades through the chakras
    • Fresh life-energy will automatically fill in where it’s needed
  • Enjoy!
Practice these tools with ease – just have the thought, and let the flow happen
Here are a few tips:
  • Release a ‘used’ grounding cord and recreate a fresh one daily or when needed
    • You created this energy tool and can release it – let it drop with gravity, then create a new grounding cord
  • Create a series of gold suns until you’re filled full if you like

Once you’re grounded, you can imagine others’ grounding cords

Think of a grounding cord, separate from yours, that grounds something else:
  • Your car
  • A pet
  • Your home, workspace, a project
  • A meal
  • Your bed
  • A lost item

More tips:

  • Give yourself an energy healing – release stress and discomfort, then refresh your energy and perspective
  • Try grounding and filling with a gold sun:
    • As you wake, when you go to sleep
  • It’s good to be grounded:
    • When driving a car, riding a bike, etc.
    • During any conversation (or text or email…)
    • In any ‘charged’ situation
    • Choosing something to eat or to wear
    • And, see how you like being grounded
Deborah Fels • • © 2021